
Unwanted Products

For unwanted goods, please contact us on or phone 01355 222004 within 7 working days of receipt of the goods. We will arrange collection of the goods, subject to a collection fee of £12.50 per product, plus £5 for individual item. 

Incorrect or Missing Items

For incorrect or missing items, please contact us on or phone 01355 222004 within 7 working days of receipt of the goods. We will arrange collection of the goods withholding a collection fee of £12.50 which will be refunded when we receive the goods back, given that the items are in resaleable condition and inner packaging is unopened. 

Damaged Items

Damaged items must be reported to us within 24 hours from receipt of delivery with a photo of the damaged items sent to We will arrange collection of the goods withholding a collection fee of £12.50 which will be refunded when we receive the goods back and the items are checked by our team. 

Faulty Items

Faulty items will be treated the same as Damaged items. We require faulty items to be returned so they can undergo inspection and if necessary be sent to the manufacturer to inspect the fault.